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Alcohol Advertising in Ireland

Health experts claimed the country's lax controls on alcohol advertising and sponsorship allowed the drinks industry to "groom" children" -- claims rejected as "sensational" by alcohol groups yesterday.

The joint committee on transport and communications was told, contrary to submissions from sports bodies at previous hearings, alcohol sponsorship does lead to early and more drinking among young people.

Dr Bobby Smyth, consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, said alcohol killed 1,200 people in Ireland every year; 10% of children said their lives had been affected by parents' drinking.

Dr Smyth said the national substance misuse strategy steering group report, published in Feb 2012, made about 40 recommendations, one of which was on sponsorship.

Representing Alcohol Action Ireland, Dr Smyth criticised the "arrogance" of the alcohol industry in claiming sponsorship did not increase consumption.

"With 72,000 babies born each year, our country now functions as a conveyor belt producing very heavy drinkers, each of whom then generates great profits for the alcohol industry."

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