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Dr. O'Gara interviewed re Hangover Cures

It's the morning after the night before. You wake up to a crashing headache, a dry mouth and you feel desperately queasy.
Once more you swear that you'll never, ever drink again.

But relax – help is at hand.

Last week, a new hangover cure, Hedstart, came onto the market claiming that it can undo the damage of the night - in 30 minutes flat.

"This drink contains a combination of vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates which quickly alleviate the symptoms of a hangover,'' says Tim Lawson, director of Phytofoods which manufactures Hedstart.

Alcohol prevents the body from absorbing water.

Your brain then gets dehydrated and begins to shrink, stretching it away from the inside of your skull. Cue that piercing headache – and the desperate search for the ultimate hangover cure

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