While many addiction treatment providers may not feel equipped to deal with the depths of trauma work with patients, Jamie Marich, PhD, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS, REAT, RYT-200, offered a word of caution to NCAD attendees in a Saturday session: Pandora's box is already open.
"Yes, a lot of treatment centers are incredibly under-resourced," said Marich, the founder and director of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness in Warren, Ohio. "It might be a quick assessment, a little bit of group therapy, not enough individual therapy to really give people the one-on-one care they need to go into the full scope of what trauma care may require. But the reality is this: You cannot shut down trauma. If that is the attitude you are conveying as a clinical supervisor, a director or a treatment center, I ask you to take a good, hard look at what I'm about to present."
Early in her career, Marich said she fought back against the suggestion she heard from some providers that it "isn't their job" to address trauma in treatment and that doing so only serves to "muddy the waters," adding that she takes exception to some of the more rigid views on addiction held by some programs.