Problem drinkers are consuming far more alcohol than usual because they are so stressed at being isolated and deprived of support under the lockdown, doctors have revealed.Yet they are struggling to get help because the NHS is so busy dealing with patients with Covid-19, and because specialist treatment services for addicts have been cut, they said.
"Alcohol services across the UK are seeing that some of their clients are drinking much more and becoming even more chaotic in their lifestyles," said Dr Emily Finch, an NHS addiction psychiatrist and the vice-chair of the addictions faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Upset at no longer being able to see relatives and friends, people in their 40s, 50s and 60s are drinking even larger quantities of cheap alcohol, such as white cider, strong lager and wine, than they consumed in pre-Covid times, she added. Plunging into such dangerous habits risks damaging both their physical and mental health.
There are an estimated 587,000 dependent drinkers in England.
"Over half the people referred to my team in recent weeks have been for alcohol and drug problems, but mainly alcohol problems, linked to the lockdown," said Dr Tony Rao, a consultant psychiatrist at the South London and the Maudsley hospital group, which is the NHS's largest mental health trust. "Their problems have been worsened because they are socially cut off.